Meet Kitza! Kitza is a dignified lady
at 20 years old. We have worked with her dedicated “parents” to
develop a monthly health check and treatment plan to ensure optimal
care for Kitza in her old age. We see her weekly to give subcutaneous
fluids due to old age kidney disease. Her owners say that although
she cannot jump directly to her favorite window sill anymore that has
not stopped her from finding another, more gradual, pathway to her
favorite spot. Kitza is a beautiful feline with a sweet personality
who has aged quite gracefully!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Care for senior pets
Part of the joy of
owning a pet is growing and maturing together. As our pets become
senescent it is important to understand that they will require an
increased level of care, both medically and at home. Cats and dogs
age at different rates and have different geriatric needs.
Additionally, most large breed dogs age faster than small breed dogs.
cats think they are superior to dogs we will start with them.
According to the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP),
“seniors” range from 11 to 14 years old and your cat is
considered “geriatric” after 15. Potential health concerns in an
aging cat include: arthritis,
cancer, cognitive (brain) disorders, constipation,
deafness, dental disease, diabetes, heart disease, hyperthyroidism,
inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, and/or vision problems.
The challenge lies
in identifying signs of these diseases:
you know that an inability of your cat to jump may indicate
diabetes? Most cats are very stoic and tend to hide pain or
discomfort from even the most observant owners, so please share
even small changes in your older cat with your Whole Pet vet. Signs
of illness may include: increase or change in vocalization; inability
to jump, run or play; decreased or increased appetite; weight gain or
loss; changes in temperature preference (eg. 'My cat used to like
sitting near the heater but now chooses to sit in the cool window
sill or tiled bathroom floor'); changes in litter box habits; odor
from mouth; or excessive licking over one body part.
each calendar year, your cat ages about 6-7 years worth! For this
reason, a physical
exam by a veterinarian every 6 months for cats over 10 years old
along with annual blood test screening contributes to early detection
of illness and early treatment. Just think, that is an exam for
your cat only every 3.5 years when compared to humans. Blood tests
should be done on your young healthy cat annually after 3 years old
to establish “normals” which allows the veterinarian to identify
trends. In between exams use your observation skills to monitor for
changes in weight, behavior, activity, or personality.
You can help your aging cat by making
some changes at home. For
pets with arthritis put food and water bowls in easy to access
places or build a ramp or steps to the bowl. Add an extra water
bowl or fountain because most aging pets, and people, need plenty of
water. Add a component of moist food to your cat's diet at an early
age to fend off dehydration and kidney disease. Supplements like
glucosamine and fish oil should be started early to minimize
arthritis pain and enhance organ health. Incorporating another litter
box in a convenient area may be necessary. Since older cats are
not as active as when young you may need to trim their nails more
often to prevent overgrowth that can get caught in carpets and
tear. Check them monthly. Cats may need help grooming when they are
very aged so gently brush if they will allow. Be mindful: a 12 year
old cat that is not grooming may be a sign of pain.
In general, a dog
is considered senior between 7-10 years of age, although this varies
between size dogs. Small breed dogs (become senior later) tend to
live longer than the giant-breed dogs(senior earlier). The list of
potential health problems for a dog is similar to that of a cat but
with some variations. Arthritis, cancer, prostate disease,
cognitive disorders, intestinal problems, deafness, dental disease,
diabetes, heart disease, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, urinary
incontinence, liver disease, and/or vision problems.
Many people believe falsely that a
limping dog is NOT in pain.
However, if you see your dog limping, it is most likely because the
leg with the limp hurts. Sometimes limps are subtle and need a
veterinarian to identify. Additional signs of illness may include:
urine accidents; skin lumps; constipation or diarrhea; shortness of
breath, coughing, or other difficulty breathing; weakness; changes
in weight, appetite or water intake; increased vocalization; or
uncharacteristic aggression.
you know that a 7 year old labrador is 50 in “dog years” and at
age 13 they are 82! For this reason, a
physical exam by a veterinarian every 6 months for dogs
over 7 years old along with annual blood test screening contributes
to early detection of illness and early treatment. Compared to human
years that is really only a good check up about every 3 years. Blood
tests should be done on younger dogs to establish “normals” which
allows the veterinarian to identify trends. In between veterinary
visits your dog relies on you to read subtle cues of illness.
Addressing your older pet's diet is one
way that you can keep your senior canine healthy. Diets for senior
pets should be lower in fat but not lower in protein. A good
quality diet should contain a high quality protein as one of the
first listed ingredients. Some high-end senior diets will be rich in
antioxidants which will slow brain aging (Hills B/D).
Supplements are usually beneficial and
should include fish oil
for arthritis and organ health. A
good quality glucosamine and chondroitin joint
supplement reduces arthritis pain in most dogs. Finally if your
pet is showing signs of brain aging there are several supplements
available that have great promise. Recent research has also shown
that behavioral enrichment and continued physical exercise in older
dogs helps to slow dementia.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Whole Pet Veterinary Care - Featured Pet Dylan
Meet Dylan, a happy golden retriever.
He may be 16 years old, about 87 in human years, but he is young at
heart! Every time we see Dylan he is wagging his tail and has a
spring in his step. As with any aging human, dogs need an increased
level of care and sometimes an increased medicine cabinet. Through
careful use of medications and supplements his caretakers have eased
Dylan's cognitive dysfunction and arthritis pain. They have always
considered Dylan's comfort and desire to enjoy life in important
decisions like surgery to repair a broken leg when he was 14 and to
remove a large skin tumor when he was 15! Due to their compassionate
and thoughtful care, Dylan continues to enjoy life and bring joy to
us at Whole Pet each time we see him.
Parasites and Your Pet
If there was ever an example of "an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure" it applies to this little guy and some of his friends.
Parasites like worms that can be contracted from fleas, mosquitos, or even soil can wreak havoc on our pets' health and potentially lead to death, but can be prevented by simple procedures like feeding monthly chewable, tasty meds; even less than an ounce worth!
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Hookworm |
Parasites like worms that can be contracted from fleas, mosquitos, or even soil can wreak havoc on our pets' health and potentially lead to death, but can be prevented by simple procedures like feeding monthly chewable, tasty meds; even less than an ounce worth!
Fleas, heartworms, intestinal
parasites. What are they and why do we need to prevent our
pets from contracting them?
Peak flea season in
Oregon starts in spring and lasts through the summer into early fall,
but fleas can survive year-round in western Oregon's moderate climate
and our heated homes. Since fleas carry tapeworms, year-round
prevention of fleas prevents tapeworm infection as well. It is also
important to prevent flea accumulation on your pet because the bite
of a flea can cause a skin allergic reaction and secondary infection.
While infections can be severe and cause hairloss, even a mild flea
reaction causes the cat or dog discomfort. If you are not taking
measures to prevent fleas, over time a flea
infestation (=lots of fleas, larvae, AND eggs) can develop
even in a tidy home and infestations are harder to treat. The graph
below shows the flea activity for Salem, Oregon by month.
Monthly, year-round preventative for all pets in the home eliminates
flea problems.

Intestinal Parasites
we may diagnose in a dog or cat include: roundworms (common in
puppies, kittens and pregnant or nursing dogs), hookworms, whipworms
(harder to diagnose, lower incidence in Oregon), and tapeworms (from
fleas). These worms are commonly diagnosed by microscopic examination
of the feces. Roundworms are named for their shape. Hookworms are
named because they hook onto the wall of the intestines and feed off
of the blood of their host. Tapeworms come from fleas, and whipworms
are found in soil but are uncommon in cats. See the prevalence of
roundworms, hookworms and whipworms; Simply follow this link,
and click on "Intestinal Parasites".
Annual examination of stool sample for
parasites is recommended to make sure your pet is free of them. This
is especially important for families with young children, as
roundworms and hookworms can be contracted by humans, more commonly
young children.
(Dirofilaria immitis) are roundworms that require a mosquito to
mature and spread from animal to animal. While the dog is the
preferred host, cats may become infected as well. This video provided
by the American Heartworm Society explains the heartworm's life
While the incidence of heartworm is
more prevalent in California, the south, and southeastern, prevention
is still recommended for several reasons: 1)Consequences from
heartworms are dire, once contracted, are very difficult to treat and
may cause death; 2)It is hard to predict the ability of the heartworm
parasite's or the mosquito vector's ability to adapt and more easily
spread the infection outside of the higher prevalence areas; 3)You
may unexpectedly travel to an area of increased heartworm infection
risk; and 4)Presence of a heartworm positive dog from the
southeastern US may go undetected and be a source of heartworm
infection in Oregon in the warm months.
Testing your dog before beginning
heartworm prevention is recommended and then once a year to ensure
that the product is effective. Most heartworm preventions also
prevent intestinal parasites as well.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The full article: Anxiety in Pets
order to understand anxiety we first have to understand what fear is
and the role it may play in anxiety. Fear
is an instinctual feeling of apprehension resulting from a
situation, person, or object that appears to present an external
threat, whether real or perceived. The result is an autonomic
nervous system response. This is your pet's normal “fight or
flight” response.
Whereas, Anxiety is
the anticipation of future dangers that result in body reactions
(also known as physiologic reactions) associated with fear. You can
see these reactions in a frightened or anxious animal, they include:
elimination (urination and/or passage of bowel movements),
destruction (eating your shoes for instance), over-grooming in cats,
and excessive barking or crying. These are only the visible signs,
many of our pets, especially cats will hide their anxiety from us.
most common form of anxiety in our pets is separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety can
result in any of the physiological reactions listed above. Also, if
your pet has separation anxiety they are more likely to have noise
phobias, such as a fear of thunderstorm or the dreaded vacuum
cleaner. Separation anxiety can be treated with acupuncture, herbs,
medications and/or calming pheromones. In addition adjusting their
environment and behavioral modification are useful.
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), anxiety and
phobias are considered disturbances of the Shen or
emotions. The intellect is housed in the brain, but the emotions
(the Shen) are controlled by the Heart. Thus the heart is not just
the organ that pumps blood throughout the body, but the whole Chinese
Heart System, which incorporates the heart, blood vessels and the
entire nutritive system for maintaining the health of the body and is
also responsible for helping to maintain a healthy emotional balance.
If the Heart System is deficient, or if problems with other bodily
systems negatively affect the Heart, then a Shen disturbance can
result. The most common Shen disturbances we face in
veterinary medicine in dogs are separation anxiety, noise
phobias and aggression. In cats, we most commonly see
litterbox issues.
Because the Shen is housed in the Heart, we can treat acupuncture points along the Heart meridian to directly influence the functioning of the Heart System to improve Shen disturbances. When the Shen disturbance is due to Heart deficiency, we can treat points to nourish and strengthen the Heart, which bolsters the Shen. In addition to acupuncture, we also use TCVM herbal preparations for long-term Heart and Shen support. These herbs can be used in conjunction with conventional Western drugs if needed.
Because the Shen is housed in the Heart, we can treat acupuncture points along the Heart meridian to directly influence the functioning of the Heart System to improve Shen disturbances. When the Shen disturbance is due to Heart deficiency, we can treat points to nourish and strengthen the Heart, which bolsters the Shen. In addition to acupuncture, we also use TCVM herbal preparations for long-term Heart and Shen support. These herbs can be used in conjunction with conventional Western drugs if needed.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Whole Pet Technician Tips for helping dogs through Fireworks!
- As the owner it is best if you do not get excessively emotional or coddling to a pet that is anxious, it may make them feel insecure with you as their protector. Instead act calm and confident as though nothing at all is awry.
- Keep your pet in a dark room that is furthest away and most protected from firework noise. Or, allow them to go into a closet or under a table where they feel safe.
- Play music moderately loud. Play something that the pet has heard played in the house before, a favorite CD.
- Apply a pheremone collar (Adaptil) or install room pheremone diffusers several days before and after July 4th.
- Place a “ThunderShirt” to help calm your pet (available for both cats and dogs). A snug piece of clothing may have the same effect.
- Put Bach flower essence “Rescue Remedy” for pets in their water and around the house.Or try "Harmonese" herbal supplement beginning one week before fireworks.
Case study on Anxiety Disorders in Dogs
Hello all. Anxiety disorders in dogs are the source of discomfort and stress for the dog and for us as pet owners. There is no "cure all" for behavior problems, but at Whole Pet I see a good amount of success combining medication with alternative therapy or with just alternative therapies. Here is a case I would like to share with you about one of my patients.
This is "Wally" He is 11 1/2 years old. He was treated at Whole Pet for anxiety and is doing GREAT. |
Wally is loved by a family that has
been burdened with some stress and illness. So, naturally he is
feeling some of the family's stress. As a result, Wally started to
present with abnormal behavior. He would have vacant staring around
the house, get lost and run into things. He also became very
lethargic. He had some energy in the morning but then would crash and
sleep after noon. He would get very nervous if owner was away from
him. Regularly he suffered from constipation, even though he drank
At presentation, treatment included
Clomipramine medication for anxiety and Lactulose medication for
constipation. The goal of the owner was to wean him off the
Clomipramine drug, and the Lactulose for constipation. In addition
she wanted him to have energy and be happy again.
A Traditional Chinese Veterinary
Medicine (TCVM) approach was desired for Wally since the medications
did not work that well..and they wanted him to have his life back.
Based on TCVM Wally was diagnosed with Liver Qi Stagnation (this
develops from emotional or physical stress) + Qi deficiency
(represented by lack of energy) + yin deficiency (stress leads to
heat and the yin is all used up cooling the heat).
I prescribed acupuncture every 2-3
weeks for 4-6 treatments as well as Chinese herbs. After one
acupuncture treatment Wally had more energy and was playing with the
other dog in the house. After 2 treatments he was less anxious and
not staring into space. Wally received 6 acupuncture treatments from
early February to early May, at which time the owner was completely
satisfied that Wally had more energy and was so much happier.
Two Chinese herbal formulas were used.
First, Wei Qi Booster to help booster Qi or energy. This formula is
great for older dogs as it boosts the immune system also and helps
fight diseases like cancer and dementia. A second formula called Er
Yin Jian was added to nourish the “yin” or cooling and grounding
aspect of the body. This formula is good for behavior disorders
caused by yin deficiency. I also believed this formula would help
resolve his constipation. After we had Wally on the formulas several
weeks we began to wean him off the Clomipramine and then off the
Lactulose. He is now off both, with no constipation and he is very
happy. Herbals may be continued for 3-6 months depending on how Wally
Wally illustrates how TCVM can be used
for anxiety disorders. TCVM may be used as a first line treatment or
if medication does not work as expected, or side effects of
medication prevent using them.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tech Tips - Reducing allergens in your home and on your pet!
5 tips for reducing
the allergen content in your home and on your pet
- Wipe your dog or cat down with a clean damp towel when they return from outside. Focus on the face, nose and ears, all 4 legs and paws and the underbelly.
- Wash their bedding once a week. Wash in water at least 140°F with one rinse.
- Dust house to remove pollen, then vacuum regularly to keep dust mite and pollen levels down Keep your pet out of the vacuumed room for 15 minutes while the dust settles.
- Give a fish source of omega-3-fatty acid daily.
- Use AAAAI to monitor pollen counts in Oregon and prepare in advance:
"Cinder" - Why a “multi-pronged” treatment approach to allergies is needed
Cinder, a female flat-coated retriever, became a patient at our clinic in January 2011 after
she was adopted from the humane society. She was about 8 ½ years old and had
been with 2 previous owners before now. Needless to say there was some change
and resulting stress in her life. She had some itchy skin and watery eyes that
As we moved into late spring 2011 Cinder's itchiness
continued and she was treated with oral antihistamines and acupuncture.
Acupuncture would give her immediate relief but that would wane after about 5
days. She was on regular flea preventative and had no sign of fleas. At this time Cinder was diagnosed as likely allergy to pollens or “atopy”. The
pollens may be from trees, grasses or shrubs. They gain entry into the body
through inhalation, but also if the pet licks the pollen from the feet. Some
plants can cause skin inflammation from direct contact; this is often seen on
the underbelly.
As the weather got warmer her itching intensified and she
was treated with oral steroids, which were only moderately helpful. Because steroid use can be associated with
side effects, we switched to Chinese herbal formulas for allergies and used
them along with antihistamines and added a fish oil source of omega-3-fatty
acids. Fish oil has been shown to reduce inflammation from skin allergies as
well as benefit overall health in both humans and animals. Cinder also
continued to respond to acupuncture treatments with several days of immediate
itchiness relief.
In addition, topical medications that contain
steroids were used intermittently; these are not absorbed into the blood stream
to any significant degree and can give some extra help controlling itchiness.
Treatment for mild itching continued on into the fall and
through the spring. At this point food
allergy had to be considered as pollen allergies are normally seasonal. A
specially formulated hypoallergenic diet was begun in November 2011.
After she had been on the special diet for about 4 month
Cinder's need for additional medication was greatly reduced. We have been able
to manage the itchy skin with herbals, antihistamines, topical medicated spray,
bathing, and fish oil.
Cinder's case illustrates beautifully the need to “slay the
dragon with a thousand tiny cuts”. The fish oil and the medications work
together, called synergistic, to provide an enhanced effect against allergies. This
combined with acupuncture and herbs allowed the most comfort for Cinder. Cinder is like many dogs in that often a pet
has more than one type of allergy. In her case she is probably allergic to
everything (fleas, pollen and food) but we are able to easily eliminate fleas
with modern preventatives and lessen the effect food may have with the special
diet. Cinder's owner is also instructed to mechanically remove pollens with
wipe downs once she has been outside.
As of this writing Cinder's allergies are almost completely
under control, or resolved.
Here are the thousand tiny cuts, many only used as needed.
-Fish oil
-Antihistamine, we tried 3 different types to find the best
-Chinese herbs, 2 different formulas used
-Medicated topical spray
-Hypoallergenic diet
-Monthly, year round flea control
-Medicated baths when needed
-Mechanical removal of allergens (pollen) from the fur.
-Avoidance of allergens
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Allergy season begins in Willamette Valley Oregon
Yes, allergy season is upon us, and it doesn't just affect
us but our four legged friends as well. There are three main categories of
allergies in pets, flea allergies, pollen
allergies and food allergies.
A flea allergy is the most common allergy amongst
cats and dogs. It is actually the flea's saliva that a flea allergic dog or cat
is allergic to. As a result, in sensitive dogs a single flea bite can cause an
allergic reaction. Symptoms of a flea
allergy include hairloss on the backs of thighs, tailbase
and rump; chewing or scratching on the back half of
body; and flea
dirt (the flea's waste product). The best way to prevent an allergic reaction
is monthly, year round flea prevention.
Pollen allergies are called Atopic
allergies, or atopy for short, and describes an
allergic reaction caused by inhaled allergens such as dust, mold, pollen, or
even dust mites. This is the second most common allergy in pets and can be
seasonal or non-seasonal. Atopy can
present in many different ways, the most common are: itching, licking paws,
skin irritation or redness, recurrent ear infections that are difficult to cure
and skin chewing. Although you cannot
cure allergies, there are many treatments available such as: antihistamines;
fish oil supplementation; topical shampoos, oils and cream rinses; topical
antihistamines and anti-inflammatories; acupuncture; oral herbal therapy and
diet therapy. In addition allergy testing and immuno-therapy can be helpful. In
severe cases immune suppressing drugs must be used.
Food allergies are not as common, but do occur. Food
allergies are caused by an allergic reaction to a protein and or carbohydrate
in the food your animal eats. The most common food allergens (the particle that
cause the reaction is called an “allergen”) in dogs are beef, dairy and wheat.
Whereas the most common food allergies in cats are beef, dairy and fish. Only a
food trial with a single protein and carbohydrate source lasting 6-8 weeks can
rule out a food allergy. Keep in mind,
food allergies are not seasonal.
So, what is the take home message? There are three main
types of allergies: flea allergies, atopy and food allergies. Flea allergies
and atopy are the most common with food allergies being the least common. Animals can have more than one or even all
three types of allergies. If you suspect
that your pet has allergies you can bring them in for a consultation.
Laser and local honey save Max's foot!
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Top of paw after surgical debridement |
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Bottom of paw after debriding |
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Bottom of paw 8 days later |
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Top of paw 8 days later |
During the whole process Max patiently and bravely let us perform all treatments. He was sad and painful for a while but now he is back to his happy, cuddly self. We love him so much. He is a pleasure to have at our clinic.
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